Communion to the Homebound

How do I schedule Communion for someone who is homebound?

If you know of someone who is unable to get to Mass and would like to receive Communion, please call the homebound ministry coordinator, Kay Sommer, at (405) 474-6593. We will promptly assign a homebound minister to bring the Eucharist to them.

To proclaim God’s Word in the midst of the assembly and to minister the Eucharist to one’s fellow pilgrims are honored offices in the believing community. Those who carry Holy Communion to the sick and persons otherwise confined continue the community’s act of worship. They extend the community’s embrace to include those unable to be physically present.

If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please contact the homebound coordinator, Kay Sommer, at (405) 474-6593 or for further information regarding qualifications and training.

Contact the Parish Office

(405) 340-0691

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